Dédié à tous les grossistes cadeaux pas cher, ce jeu de dominos indémodable est apprécié par toutes les générations. Présenté dans son écrin en bois, ce jeu qui fait fureur est un vrai coup de coeur, vous ne le regretterez pas.
FIBUframe ist Ihre individuelle Software für intergierte Finanz- und Anlagenbuchhaltung - flexibel, modular, individuell anpassbar, offene Schnittstellen, 100 % releasefähig!
L’ère de la collaboration homme-machine est à nos portes. L’Atelier des Devs s’investit dans la robotique et la cobotique, facilitant une intégration harmonieuse entre l’homme et la machine. Nos solutions favorisent une productivité accrue tout en garantissant une sécurité optimale sur les sites industriels.
Die Protokollstacks von MicroControl welche sich zehntausendfach im Einsatz bewährt haben. Sie verkürzen und vereinfachen die Software-Entwicklung und erleichtern Entwicklern und Konstrukteuren die Schnittstellen-Definition. Die CANopen, CANopen FD und J1939 Protokollstacks bieten eine hohe Zukunftssicherheit in frei wählbarem Übergang von Classic CAN zu CAN FD. Protokollstacks von MicroControl bieten darüber hinaus weitere Vorteile.
Durch das bewährte Baukastensystem werden laufende und neue Projekte nachhaltig vereinfacht.
Faire Partnerschaft: User von MicroControl Protokollstacks profitieren von 12 Monaten Gratis-Support ab Kaufdatum. Der sich anschließende, optionale Wartungsvertrag enthält auch automatische Updates.
MicroControl Kunden profitieren außerdem von der kostengünstigeren Firmenlizenz (im Vergleich zur weitverbreiteten Runtime-Lizenz). Interessiert? Wir informieren Sie gern ausführlich zu allen Aspekten und Inhalten unseres besonderen Gütesiegels.
CANopen / CANopen FD Master:komplette Funktionalität für eine Integration der CANopen Standards CiA 301, CiA 302 und CiA 305
CANopen / CANopen FD Slave:Erweiterung Safety möglich
CANopen Bootloader:Mit dem CANopen Download Tool sind neue Programme und Updates auf der Zielhardware aktualisierbar.
J1939:Bridge-Funktion bei gleichzeitiger Nutzung von CANopen Slave
CANpie FD:Treiberschicht, für über 160 Microcontroller verfügbar
Haydi oyuna! Çocuklar daha fazlasını yapabilirsiniz! Birçok farklı blok ile oynamak çocuğun el becerilerini geliştirir. Sınırsız oluşturma ve inşa etme seçenekleri çocuğun yaratıcılığını arttırır ve hayal gücünü geliştirir. Renkli ve çok çeşitli bloklar, çocuğa renkleri ve şekilleri tanıma imkanı sağlar. Bloklarla oynamak çocuğa kendi başına hareket etme güvenini verir ve duyusal gelişimini olumlu etkiler. Çocuğa odaklanmayı ve oyun boyunca dikkatini toplamayı öğretir. Ürün; 500 parçadan oluşmaktadır. Ürün; 3 yaş altı çocuklar için uygun değildir. Sağlık testlerinden geçmiştir.
Kutu ölçüsü: 27*18*21 Cm
BioSupply offers a highly sensitive and specific ferritin ELISA kit. This assay provides a dynamic range of 5-1,000ng/ml and it can reach minimum sensitivity detection limits of 0.53ng/ml. Ferritin consists of light and heavy subunits surrounded in a crystalline core containing iron and phosphate oxide within an apoferritin shell. The highest concentrations of ferritin can be found in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Routine analysis of ferritin levels are recommended in order to detect early signs of iron deficiencies especially in healthy people. Since there is a direct correlation between the levels of ferritin measured and the total amount of iron which is stored in the body. This is due to the fact that within the body, iron is predominately stored complexed to either ferritin or hemosiderin. For more information on this product, please visit our website: http://www.elisakits.co.uk/ferritin-elisa-kit/
Arcobaleno BioTomatenmark, 2fach konzentriert, 71 ml
Der Anbieter stellt keine detailierte Produktbeschreibung zur Verfügung.
GRÖSSE:71 ml
REZEPTUR:2-fach konzentriert
Cleaning of machined parts (after turning, milling, drilling, etc.).
Particularly suitable for the removal of graphite, AW and EP additives, salts, soaps, and emulsion residue. Generally suitable for the removal of dust, metal chips, surfactants, stearates and polishing paste.
Preparation of parts for downstream processing such as joining (by clinching, etc.), assembly and packaging.
Cleaning of machined parts (after turning, milling, drilling, etc.).
Particularly suitable for the removal of grease, oil, wax, resins, corrosion protection agents and esters.
Generally suitable for the removal of dust, metal chips, surfactants, stearates and polishing paste.
Preparation of parts for downstream processing such as joining (by clinching, etc.), assembly and packaging.
Cleaning of machined parts after turning, milling or drilling, grinding, polishing, lapping and honing, punching and forming (stamping & bending, deep drawing, extruding, etc.).
The photoluminescent paint Lucedentro was born for those costumers who want to take advantage from a photoluminescent product whose characteristic is the ultimately simplicity and the wide range of applications. The product, which has the luminous power of photoluminesce, has been realized to work on hard surfaces, figuring an application on indoors and outdoors, but Lucedentro keep it highly customizable on specific request.
Tutti gli strumenti che hanno superato con esito positivo la verifica periodica sono contrassegnati tramite l’applicazione di una etichetta autoadesiva distruttibile con la rimozione, il cosiddetto “bollino verde”, che riporta la scadenza della Verifica Periodica della bilancia.
Al centro del bollino è riportato l’Anno nel quale scade la verifica periodica mentre ai lati, su uno dei numeri da 1 a 12 è contrassegnato il Mese di scadenza tramite foratura.